Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act

Whether you do or do not live in an HOA, you should support H.R.4006 & S.3690 “Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act”

Draft the following letter, address, and sign and send to your elected officials in congress:

Dear <Elected Official>,

I am writing you today to ask for your support for the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act (S.3690 & H.R. 4006), which were introduced in congress by both Sen. Roger F. Wicker & Rep. Bill Johnson. I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator, who when the situation calls upon, provides vital emergency communications at times of need in my community. Amateur Radio (also herein referred to as “Ham Radio”, is also an invaluable tool to engage and learn many science and engineering principles and techniques, and also provides valueable educational opportunity to many people both young and old.

As of late, Homeowner Associations (HOAs) are increasingly becoming the norm as it is clear that most new housing starts are in planned communities with land-use restrictions, and as more municipalities offload buildout of public infrastructure to developers of planned communities, and these developers often place restrictions upon antennas as part of the covenants and restrictions they impose on purchased lots within such communities. Without a reasonable and effective antenna, it is not possible to operate an effective station. These restrictions impose unfair enforcements against Amateur Operators who are licensed by the FCC to operate effective stations. HR4006 & SB3690 aim to provide for reasonable accommodations to the licensed Amateur Operator so that effective stations can be maintained and used, especially in times of emergency.

The Community Association Institute (CAI) has worked very hard to fight bills like this in the past, and by doing so, represents a real threat to the emergency readiness of Amateur Operators in many states nationwide who would otherwise be able to operate and maintain effective stations in their communities during any time of need.

Please don't let these bills die, and please help get them passed and onward to the president's desk so they may be signed into law. This will benefit our nation and local communities alike by allowing Amateur Operators to practice their skills and be ready during times of need.

Respectfully, <Your Signature>