Freedom 6 Net

Home Of The 6 Meter Ragchew

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The Purpose Of The Freedom 6 Meter Ragchew Net

The primary purpose of the Freedom 6 Meter ragchew net is to promote:

  • the use of the 6 meter band as a round table medium.
  • recommendations for 6 Meter band equipment for the new Ham or 6 Meter user.
  • freedom of discussion topic, anything goes - so long as we refrain from the use of profanity, in accordance with good taste and the FCC rules.
  • to meet others in your local area and beyond, as part of the spirit of Ham Radio.
  • to promote the teaching of science and technology, by sharing antenna and radio knowledge.
  • to provide a level playing field where there are no discussion topic gatekeepers (the usual staple of repeaters and repeater networks), thereby enabling this ragchew net as a place for the art of respectful conversation, even though participants may have differing views.

What The Freedom 6 Meter Ragchew Net Is Not

  • This is not a place to promote hate against any one or group of individuals. We all share a common bond as Ham Radio enthusiasts. We are a large community.
  • This is not a place to promote your business.
  • This is not a place for profane or vulgar speech, our kids may be in the room with us listening and choice of words should be “family friendly”.
  • This isn't a place to insult someone's “lesser skills, operating technique, or equipment”. If you know of better ways of doing things, kindly show the other Ham your viewpoint & experience and be a helper. We all learn from each other, and we all have different sized budgets.

This Site Is Still Under Construction - Check Back Often

More Information, .ie Frequency, Times, Etc To Follow Soon

objective.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/19 23:22 by k1wiz